🎉 🥳

Make it a special birthday with an AI powered e-card

Select the perfect card and use our AI assistant to customize it with your own message and photos. Our cheeky AI writer is guaranteed to help you create a gift that will make your loved one smile. Then schedule them to be sent, done!

Join Steve, Melissa, Blake, Jack & 1000+ others

See the power in action.

Send Smiles is designed to make it easy

We make it easy to schedule your birthday card deliveries, and with our AI assistant you will be sending legit smiles to your friends and family in no time.

Sync your contacts

Sync your contacts

Sync your contacts so that you can easily schedule cards to be delivered on this special day. Plug and play and never miss a birthday again!

Create a card

Create a card

We make it super easy to input your friends’ information so you can create a personalized card that will pop with the help of our AI assistant.

Schedule a delivery

Schedule a delivery

Schedule your card(s) to be delivered based on your loved ones’ birthdays, anniversaries, or any other special occasion. You can also send them directly and have a group of your friends all sign the card together.

What you're getting when you sign up

Here are some of the main benefits when you sign up to Send Smiles.

  • Sharing

    We will automatically share your cards via email and other channels.

  • Premium cards

    We assist you with the design process and offer tons of beautiful templates.

  • Scheduling

    Automate your cards and set them up to be scheduled on your contacts birthday, so you never forget.

  • Sync your contacts

    Sync your contacts from your phone and or other services so you have all their information in one place.

  • Secure payments

    All payments are handled by Stripe, the most secure payment processor in the world.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Leverage our AI to spark ideas and get inspiration for your next card.

What our customers are saying

Thousands of people have sent a smile and as a result have brought more joy to the world. Here are some of their testimonials.

Go premium and create more smiles

We are in beta and we are offering a 90% discount for the first 100 users



You want to try out the product and do not need the premium features quite yet, you are exploring options.

  • Watermarks
  • Limited cards
  • Limited AI
  • Lack of automation
Get started for free

Early Adopter


You want to be a rockstar, automate your cards, leverage AI, and get a lot more benefits.

  • AI features
  • Automations
  • No watermarks
  • Premium cards
Early Adopter